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1532 results for Hungary
With all the extraordinary government transfers in February the writing was clearly on the wall, but the war has made the situation really complicated
Expect a 50 basis-point rate hike in Poland given the potential for even higher inflation rates over the coming months as a result of the war in Ukraine.…
Based on January economic activity data, the Hungarian economy was doing well. However, since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, that’s all water under…
As elsewhere in Europe, Putin's war in Ukraine will hit GDP across Central and Eastern European economies. Yet the unity showed by the region and the…
A minor revision to the fourth quarter GDP growth did not alter the 7.1% record-high Hungarian GDP growth in 2021. This hardly gives us any comfort in…
Growth and inflation data dominate the economic calendar across the EMEA region next week
Being in the immediate geographical vicinity of what seems to be the largest military conflict since World War II, the CE4 countries are naturally prone…
The world remains transfixed by war in Europe. Financial markets will today look at the ramifications of new sanctions on Russia and their impact on…
Companies are trying to fight against narrowing profitability amidst the 'cost storm'
Global financial markets have taken the first tranche of Russian sanctions in their stride. And so far recent events in Ukraine have not prevented central…