Our May Economic Update highlights how the Covid-19 crisis is still the mother of all fast-moving environments. But as many European countries ease…
While there are glimmers of hope as a re-opening tentatively gets underway, the damage wreaked on the economy will take a long time to repair
With the lockdown measures lengthened and only phased out very gradually, the eurozone economy is likely to shrink by around 8% this year. The European…
China‘s economy is recovering from the damage caused by Covid-19. The broken supply chain is not the top issue anymore. Weak global demand is. As a…
There is a really wide spectrum of experience for Asia in terms of the Covid-19 outbreak, the responses, the state of the economy and the proximity to a…
What is behind the magic of high numbers of anti-crisis programs to combat the economic fallout from Covid-19? Some CEE countries can afford policy…
The size of government deficits built to finance the Covid-19 induced lockdown are nothing short of staggering. Now they must be financed. That means lots…
Equity markets have retraced around 50% of their Q120 sell-off and are focusing on the recovery. Credit markets are also performing well. However,…
Oil markets made history in April, with NYMEX WTI trading into negative territory for the first time. While much of this was technical in the lead up to…
Asia is really diverse, so it will come as no surprise that we have learned very different things from different economies during the Covid-19 pandemic
An index based on Google mobility data indicates which economies have so far been more or less affected by the lockdown. While differences are large, one…
In this article, we compare the US and eurozone policy response and explore potential differences in the recovery phase
Judging from mobility data, the lockdown measures in the eurozone seem to have different impacts across countries. With some countries easing the lockdown…
The highly emotional debate on coronabonds, the discussion on a pan-European fiscal response and the cumbersome negotiations on a recovery fund has…