25 September 2024 

Live event: Directional Economics CEE - Why beating the Middle-Income Trap isn’t enough

Central and Eastern Europe has successfully escaped the middle-income trap. The next challenge is to converge with core EU members, which will require a new growth strategy. Join ING’s Directional Economics live webinar on 17 October, where our local experts explore this topic and share their latest macroeconomic insights



Central and Eastern Europe has successfully escaped the middle-income trap. The next challenge is to converge with core EU members, which will require a new growth strategy. Join ING’s Directional Economics live webinar, where our local experts explore this topic and share their latest macroeconomic insights for Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, and the CIS.

Date: 17 October 2024

Time: 1500 BST  16:00 CET  10:00 ET

Venue: Microsoft Teams

The webinar will last for 60 minutes, including a Q&A session at the end. The times below show when the session will go live in your region. Microsoft Teams details will be sent upon registration.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

We look forward to seeing you on 17 October!


Chris Turner, Regional Head of Research for UK and CEE

Michal Rubaszek, Senior Economist, Poland – lead author of the Middle-Income trap article

Rafal Benecki, Chief Economist, Poland

Peter Virovacz, Senior Economist, Hungary

David Havrlant, Chief Economist, Czech Republic

Valentin Tataru, Chief Economist, Romania (covering also Bulgaria)

Muhammet Mercan, Chief Economist, Turkey

Leszek Kasek, Senior Economist, Poland (covering Ukraine)

Dmitry Dolgin, Chief Economist, CIS

Rebecca Byrne, Senior Editor/Supervisory Analyst (moderator)