Webinar: Trump vs. Biden - A Turning Point for the World?

This webinar, organised jointly by ING, Oxford Analytica and the Conference Board will run twice on Thursday, October 15th with different speakers at 10:00 am CET (4:00pmSST, 4:00 am ET) and again at 11:00 am ET (5:00 pm CET)

8 October 2020 

Prepare for what lies ahead

As the US Presidential election draws near and the race intensifies, governments and businesses must be prepared for what lies ahead. The 2020 election outcome may be the most consequential in decades, given the daunting agenda that the US administration will face over the next four years. It will be tasked with helping the economy recover from its deepest depression in nearly a century, confront or accommodate a rising China in a changing global order, and deal with a Congress and Supreme Court that are working on policy changes towards healthcare, climate, technology regulation, among other key issues.

The choices made will have a profound impact on the United States and globally. ING has teamed up with Oxford Analytica and The Conference Board to examine the potential election outcomes and discuss the consequences each scenario would bring in 2021 and beyond. The webinar marks the forthcoming report as part of Oxford Analytica and ING’s joint thought leadership series ‘US Politics Watch 2020’. Over the past year, the series has monitored the election landscape, analyzing the likely political, economic, and regulatory impacts of different scenarios.

The panel will answer:

• How will the US civics and party politics more broadly be affected by the election outcome and its aftermath?

• If Biden wins, how far will he be able to deliver on his priorities? How crucial will be winning control of both the Senate and the House?

• Would a Biden victory be a game-changer for climate action and policy towards the tech and health sectors? What would be the impact on the economy, trade, and the markets in 2021 and beyond?

• If Trump is re-elected, would his policy priorities change and how would the longer-term priorities of the Republicans evolve? How would the Republicans respond to a Trump defeat?

• How the United States will engage with the world in the case of Biden or Trump win? And what would be the implications from the geopolitical, economic, foreign policy, and global business perspectives?  

ING's James Knightley will join the webinar from New York

Register for the webinar

Register for Panel 1 here

Register for Panel 2 here

Panel 1: 10:00 am CET (4:00pmSST, 4:00am ET)

Welcome and Moderation: Nick Redman, Director of Analysis, Oxford Analytica; Mark Cliffe, Global Head of New Horizons Hub, ING Group; Amalia Khachatryan, Deputy Director of Advisory, Oxford Analytica

Panellists: Bart van Ark, Executive VP & Global Chief Economist, The Conference Board

Mark Cliffe, Global Head of New Horizons Hub, ING

Harvey Chen, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Creative Leadership, Greater China

Trevor McCrisken, Associate Professor, US Politics and International Studies

James Knightley, Chief International Economist, ING Group

Linda Yueh is one of the panellists

Panel 2 11:00 am ET (5:00 pm CET)

Welcome and Moderation: Nick Redman, Director of Analysis, Oxford Analytica; Mark Cliffe, Global Head of New Horizons Hub, ING Group; Amalia Khachatryan, Deputy Director of Advisory, Oxford Analytica

Panellists: Dana Peterson Chief Economist & Center Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance, The Conference Board

Linda Yueh, Fellow in Economics, St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford

Charles Kupchan, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

James Knightley, Chief International Economist, ING Group

Register for the webinar

Register for Panel 1 here

Register for Panel 2 here


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