8 August 2019

Help people to make better financial decisions

Our partners at the Think Forward Initiative have opened a new call for research proposals and are looking for the best research ideas around financial decision-making, financial health and financial well-being

Help people make better financial decisions

The Think Forward Initiative is awarding funding to short-term and long-term research projects that provide relevant impact-driven insights in the domains of people’s (financial) decision-making, financial health, and financial well-being. They are particularly encouraging empirical (interdisciplinary) research at the individual or household level that provide new insights into economic, social, technical or behavioural factors that could inspire solutions to day-to-day and future financial challenges for those people who are not financially empowered

Find out how you could receive up to €100,000 for a two-year project by clicking here. Shorter time-frame proposals are also welcome.

Priority themes

The following themes have been given priority within the TFI research agenda for 2019:

  • How (unexpected) negative life events and financial shocks relate to problematic debt, and/or to what extent insurance plays a role in this relationship for individuals/households
  • Social networks, moral and social norms, small groups/local communities (micro-cultural contexts), and/or peer effects on spending and borrowing behaviours of individuals/households
  • How digital technologies, digital identity and data privacy relate to opportunities and risks for people’s day-to-day money management and financial decision-making
  • Dynamics in (financial) decision-making and relationships between or across generations: impact on financial outcomes at the individual/household level
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and human financial behaviours across space and time: the impact on financial decision-making and financial well-being
  • The sharing and circular economy: motives, risks and benefits for people’s (financial) lives

More about the TFI

The Think Forward Initiative (TFI) is a multidisciplinary and open initiative that promotes research and practical solutions with the ambitious goal of empowering more than 100 million people to make better financial decisions. The TFI is supported by a purpose-driven partnership between ING, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Deloitte, Amazon Web Services, and Dell Technologies.

Find out more about the TFI by clicking here


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