7 January 2022

Key events in EMEA next week

Shutdowns over the holiday period will weigh on retail sales and industrial production figures across emerging markets. Also, look out for policy rate decisions in Romania and Serbia

Source: Shutterstock

Hungary: Industrial production and inflation readings to reflect winter holiday shutdowns

After the Hungarian government’s announcement of freezing some of the year-end spending, we see a much lower monthly deficit in December than we used to see in the past couple of years. The November industrial production data will show us the impact of the winter holiday shutdowns; thus we expect another decline. The most important data next week comes on Friday when we get the December inflation reading. The significant drop in fuel prices probably had a major impact on the headline number, thus we see monthly inflation at just 0.1%, the lowest reading in 2021. With that, the YoY figure will move south to 7.2%. In contrast, core inflation will rise to around 6% YoY on durables, processed food and services.

EMEA Economic Calendar

 - Source: Refinitiv, ING, *GMT
Source: Refinitiv, ING, *GMT
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