Listen: CEE’s quest for core EU convergence
In this week’s THINK aloud, we look at how Central and Eastern Europe has successfully avoided the middle-income trap, the work that’s still needed to achieve full convergence with core EU income levels, and the shorter-term outlook for growth, inflation and monetary policy
The countries of Central and Eastern Europe have successfully avoided the middle-income trap and evolved into high-income economies. The next challenge is to converge with the income levels enjoyed by some of the core EU economies. But this could prove more difficult. The old growth model, based on exports and cheap labour, has reached its limits, and a new strategy is now required.
In this week’s THINK aloud, a condensed replay of our live webinar, our experts across the region discuss the challenges and opportunities on the road to full EU convergence and share their views on the outlook for growth, inflation and monetary policy over the coming year.
Questa pubblicazione è stata preparata da ING esclusivamente a scopo informativo, indipendentemente dai mezzi, dalla situazione finanziaria o dagli obiettivi di investimento di un particolare utente. Le informazioni non costituiscono una raccomandazione di investimento e non sono consigli di investimento, legali o fiscali né un'offerta o una sollecitazione all'acquisto o alla vendita di alcun strumento finanziario. Leggi di più