
Listen: Credit Outlook 2025

In this week’s THINK aloud, a replay of our live webinar, ING’s Jeroen van den Broek, Tim Rahill, Suvi Platerink Kosonen and Jesse Norcross discuss why 2025 could be a tough year for credit

Credit markets reacted positively to the outcome of the US election, with spreads narrowing across the board. But the longer-term implications are more complicated. ING's Global Head of Sector Research Jeroen van den Broek and Credit Strategist Tim Rahill predict a difficult year ahead for credit, with a Trump presidency one of 25 reasons to be cautious in 2025.

In this week’s THINK aloud, a replay of our live webinar, Jeroen and Tim explain why they think spreads could widen next year and why investors need to be selective while Senior Sector Strategists Suvi Platerink Kosonen and Jesse Norcross take a closer look at banks and real estate.

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