10 September 2021 

Listen: The credibility and cost of Asia’s climate goals

Asia emits half the world's carbon dioxide. But ahead of the COP26 climate change talks in November, only a handful of Asian countries have made firm commitments to achieving a net-zero carbon future. And getting there will be a monumental challenge. In this podcast, ING's Rob Carnell explains why  

Three of Asia's biggest economies, China, Japan and South Korea, have made firm pledges to be carbon neutral by the middle of the century. Some have made more progress than others but all face an uphill battle. According to a new ING report, the cost of greening Asia's transport system alone will surpass $12 trillion, with China bearing the brunt of the investment.

In this podcast, Senior Editor Rebecca Byrne asks ING's Head of Research in Asia, Rob Carnell, whether the net-zero goals are credible, what they will mean for Asia's economy and who will pay for it.

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